Exam Training
TestDaF Exam Preparation & Goethe Certificate Training
Prepare for your upcoming TestDaF Exam or Goethe Certificate A1-C2, with a 21Words German exam preparation course. With over 15 years of experience in exam training and preparation, you can be confident that you are in expert hands.
Many of us find sitting an exam a nerve-wracking experience, but with the right training and support from a qualified German teacher, you can sit your exams in confidence. Specifically designed for German language students who want to pass their exam first time, our Training Course will help you prepare for the test ahead by simulating real-life exam situations and testing your German reading, writing, listening and speaking skills with standardised TestDaF exam questions.

Michael Rübenach
Founder and Educator, specializing in German exam preparation courses
Goethe A1-C2 Practice Test
If you are learning German in Germany with a Goethe A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2 Hochdeutsch training course, the 21Words Goethe Practice Test is the perfect training programme for you. Tailored to suit your individual needs, it includes one-to-one instruction from a qualified German teacher, who will test your knowledge in a relaxed environment, and help improve those areas where you feel less confident.
TestDaF Preparation Course
Available for students, business professionals, diplomats, and any foreign national who is currently taking German lessons, the 21Words TestDaF Preparation Course will help you assess your German proficiency level and develop your writing, oral, reading, and listening skills. Once you are prepared mentally and linguistically for the exam ahead, the thought of sitting your TestDaF exam will be much less daunting, and your chances of success will be greatly improved.